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Home / Answered Questions / 7 weeks ago i performed unprotected oral sex (vaginal and rimming) and during vaginal fingering she began bleeding and i got some on my face and in my mouth. She was very surprised by this because it had never occurred prior and she was between periods. She later informed me she had HPV 8 months earlier but it went away on its own. I’ve been tested and found negative for all testable STI’s but I’m concerned about oral HPV. I’ve had a sore throat on and off ever since the incident with some green mucous, tingling at my nostrils and some green mucous with some blood from my nose and numbness on my lips. I tend to worry a lot. What are your thoughts. Thanks

7 weeks ago i performed unprotected oral sex (vaginal and rimming) and during vaginal fingering she began bleeding and i got some on my face and in my mouth. She was very surprised by this because it had never occurred prior and she was between periods. She later informed me she had HPV 8 months earlier but it went away on its own. I’ve been tested and found negative for all testable STI’s but I’m concerned about oral HPV. I’ve had a sore throat on and off ever since the incident with some green mucous, tingling at my nostrils and some green mucous with some blood from my nose and numbness on my lips. I tend to worry a lot. What are your thoughts. Thanks


Thanks for writing.

The symptoms you are describing are not related to HPV.

HPV is often asymptomatic, meaning there can be so symptoms at all. Sometimes HPV can create warts (or bumps) on the genitals. Warts from HPV are painless, skin-colored bumps that usually go away on their own.

HPV does not cause sore throats, green mucous, nose bleeds, or lip numbness. However, if those symptoms persist we would recommend going to see a healthcare provider in person.

HPV can be passed through oral sex, but it is not passed through blood. Seeing blood come from your partner does not increase your chance of getting HPV.

HPV is passed through direct skin-to-skin contact. HPV can be passed to the mouth and throat during oral sex, but we do not see people getting warts in the throat or mouth.

It’s unusual for your partner to know that she had HPV 8. There is no routine testing for HPV, and people are not expected to know their ‘HPV status’ the same way they know their ‘HIV status’. The fact that your partner had cleared the HPV means it’s unlikely that you would have gotten it from her at that time.

We know that lots of people get HPV. In fact, we estimate that over 75% of people carry HPV at some point in their lives. That’s most people! If you ever see a bump on the genitals we can identify it, but if you’ve never had symptoms it’s very hard to say if you’ve ever been exposed.

There are many types of HPV, but they fall into two categories: One kind causes benign (or harmless) warts on the genitals. The other kind has been linked to some cancers, but this kind is always invisible (and doesn’t create warts). So, if you ever get genital warts you know they are a cosmetic concern, but not dangerous. Women/people with cervixes get routine PAP testing for the other kind of HPV.

Overall, your current symptoms are not related to HPV. We would not assume you had HPV unless you have had warts identified by a doctor/nurse. It’s possible that you carry HPV without symptoms, but there is nothing you need to do about that.

Hope this helps.

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Health Nurse