A service provided by the BC Centre for Disease Control



Home / Answered Questions / After sex with call girl do 9 test in India last test at 84th day cmia then ict method rapid 90 days then 91th day ela method HIV test all are not reactive…. Conclusive or not in india

After sex with call girl do 9 test in India last test at 84th day cmia then ict method rapid 90 days then 91th day ela method HIV test all are not reactive…. Conclusive or not in india


In British Columbia, Canada, a standard HIV test will pick up an infection in most people between 4 and 6 weeks after they were infected but a small percentage of people can take up to 90 days/3 months. At 90 days we consider the test conclusive.

We cannot comment on tests performed in other countries, but 90 days is a pretty consistent stanard in most parts of the world.

If you lived in BC, we would not recommend any further testing after the 90 day test.

Hope this helps,

Health Nurse