Hi, thanks for your questions. In general if there has been a possible risk from sharing fresh fluids that can transmit HIV ( blood, semen, vaginal fluids) then its recommended to test for HIV. Fighting, car accidents and being in hospital for an operation are not the way we see HIV transmitted. In general it is good to know one’s current HIV status along with current STI status so that one finds out early and can start treatment right away. If you are concerned about a particular incident, then testing now and in 3 months is recommended. If you are in contact with the person, then you both testing can be reassuring for both of you. To find out more about HIV and HIV testing see https://smartsexresource.com/topics/hiv-and-aids To find a clinic near you where you can discuss your concerns, see https://smartsexresource.com/get-tested/clinic-finder
Let us know if this does not answer your question or if you have any more questions or concerns. Health Nurse