Hi, thanks for your questions. There are no cut and dry answers as not everything is known about HPV. HPV is being studied extensively and hopefully more about it will be known in the future. What we do know now is that it is very common with about 75% of people getting it at least once in there lifetime and for most people it goes away on its own without causing any ill effects. As most of the time it shows no symptoms, the majority of people have genital HPV come and go without ever knowing.
Is hpv curable?
HPV will go away on its own for most people.
Once symptoms are gone is hpv still in your system?
Most people will clear the virus but there is some people that have the virus go dormant which can reactivate at a later time (e.g. during a period of immune suppression)
Once infected with hpv are you infected for life?
No, most people will clear the virus on their own.
Are you contagious when you no longer have symptoms?
They currently think it’s easier to pass HPV when someone has genital warts, but HPV can still pass if there is no visible symptoms.
Do warts/sores need to be present to pass the infection on?
No, most people will get HPV from a partner who has no symptoms.
If concerned about HPV, condoms and the HPV vaccine can reduce the chance of it passing.