Hi there,
There is a common myth that masturbation will cause “desensitization” of the clitoris, but we have not seen any evidence that this can happen. Some people can experience some temporary numbness of the clitoris after sex or masturbation, but this will resolve quickly on its own. For many people, masturbation can actually help them to enjoy sex more, by allowing them to learn more about their bodes, sensations and preferences.
Sexual pleasure and orgasms are complex and will change throughout our lives. Sometimes what used to “work” to bring us to orgasm stops feeling as good – this can be caused by physical, hormonal, or psychological changes, or a combination of all of these things. Usually, trying to relax, vary your technique and focus on what you’re feeling instead of the “goal” of orgasm will help things start to feel better again.
Let us know if this answers your question,
Health Nurse