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Home / Answered Questions / Does receiving oral sex from a female will transmit HIV to the receiver? What if the female is a smoker prostitute? Does in increases the risk and chances of getting HIV from receiving oral sex?

Does receiving oral sex from a female will transmit HIV to the receiver? What if the female is a smoker prostitute? Does in increases the risk and chances of getting HIV from receiving oral sex?

Hi there

HIV is not passed (or only in theory) to the person receiving oral sex. The chances of getting HIV in this way do not change if the person giving oral sex is a smoker or a sex worker.

Other STIs are easily passed through oral sex including syphilis, gonorrhea and Chlamydia. For that reason, we recommend routine screening if you are sexually active and you or your partners have more than one partner.

Check out our charts called “Know My Chances” for more information on ways that STIs are passed.

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Health Nurse

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