Thanks for writing.
Just because you had unprotected sex does not mean you have HIV, or that you are going to die.
Lots of gay men have unprotected sex, but we are seeing less and less HIV all the time.
I would not assume you have HIV from the symptoms you describe. Many things can cause the symptoms you’re experiencing, including the common cold/flu, stomach bugs, stress, etc.
Typically HIV symptoms show-up around 2 weeks after sex. The diarrhea and fever you had the day after sex were most likely related to something else.
Have you had an HIV test? If not, I would recommend testing as a first step. You can test anonymously at an STI clinic, or under your name at any walk-in clinic. Have a look at our Clinic Finder tool for an STI clinic near you.
If it feels better you can also test online at GetCheckedOnline.com with the CODE: B4816. You can test with a fake name if desired.
Please let us know if you need any additional info.
Health Nurse