A service provided by the BC Centre for Disease Control



Home / Answered Questions / Hello , i am from india and recently got tested with herpes positive .recently i got an outbreak near my lips , thats is just a mild outbreak , along with i am feeling sometging wrong with my penis ,its really feeling itching and abnormal distarch , earlier it had red wound like that , but they both come together whenever i get an outbreak on mouth , on my penius i also feel outbreak they both come and goes together . What does it mean and i m having noth types of hsv if yes but thats not possible they both come and go together

Hello , i am from india and recently got tested with herpes positive .recently i got an outbreak near my lips , thats is just a mild outbreak , along with i am feeling sometging wrong with my penis ,its really feeling itching and abnormal distarch , earlier it had red wound like that , but they both come together whenever i get an outbreak on mouth , on my penius i also feel outbreak they both come and goes together . What does it mean and i m having noth types of hsv if yes but thats not possible they both come and go together

Hi, thanks for your questions. It sounds unusual that you would have genital symptoms at the same time as when you have an outbreak on your lips. There are a number of possible reasons this could be happening.The way to find out if there is a herpes outbreak on the outside of your penis ( red mark you mentioned) or inside your penis ( feels itchy inside with clear discharge) , would be to do a herpes swab from your penis when you have symptoms. You can also do other sti testing if needed at the same time to rule out sti symptoms. If you are getting frequent outbreaks then the doctor can provide a prescription for a daily antiviral medication which will suppress outbreaks and also lower the risk of transmission. To find an STI clinic near you in British Columbia, see https://smartsexresource.com/get-tested/clinic-finder