A service provided by the BC Centre for Disease Control



Home / Answered Questions / Hello…I am from india. Two days back i had squashed a mosquito and all the blood in it got splattered on my bed After 20-24 hours i untentionally touched the blood on the bed which had dried up and with the same hand (without washing the hand) i touched my penis. Can hiv or any other std be transmitted if the mosquito had sucked up blood from hiv positive person? Do i need to get tested?

Hello…I am from india. Two days back i had squashed a mosquito and all the blood in it got splattered on my bed After 20-24 hours i untentionally touched the blood on the bed which had dried up and with the same hand (without washing the hand) i touched my penis. Can hiv or any other std be transmitted if the mosquito had sucked up blood from hiv positive person? Do i need to get tested?

Hi there,

You don’t need to worry about getting HIV this way. HIV is not transmitted by mosquitos. The virus needs to be inside a human body to live, and will die in seconds after leaving a human body. It will not live inside mosquitos, or in a dried blood spot on your bed. We also do not know of any other sexually transmitted infections that are transmitted this way. So, you don’t need to get tested if this is the only risk you are worried about.

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