A service provided by the BC Centre for Disease Control



Home / Answered Questions / Hi, Actually Im worried about the scenario that happened with me. So me and my buddy were sharing a joint together and my buddy is sexually very active and had sex with a lot of strangers so I don’t know if he’s HIV positive or not. Actually what happened was that we were in the car and he ignited the joint and took 4-5 puffs from it and then passed it to me right away . I smoked a lot instantly and then same thing passed it to him he smoked and finally I finished the joint. after that we went home and I saw that my buddy has a cut on his lip with blood on it. moreover he might have cuts or sores in his mouth and blood from his lips or mouth may have got onto the joint and entered in my mouth when I smoked the joint. Thing is I have bleeding gums and blood from the joint may have came in contact with my gums and entered in my bloodstream. My gums doesn’t bleed profusely like an open sore or wound but still bleeds sometimes here and there. so my question is what are the chances of getting HIV from the scenario explained? Im really really really worried.

Hi, Actually Im worried about the scenario that happened with me. So me and my buddy were sharing a joint together and my buddy is sexually very active and had sex with a lot of strangers so I don’t know if he’s HIV positive or not. Actually what happened was that we were in the car and he ignited the joint and took 4-5 puffs from it and then passed it to me right away . I smoked a lot instantly and then same thing passed it to him he smoked and finally I finished the joint. after that we went home and I saw that my buddy has a cut on his lip with blood on it. moreover he might have cuts or sores in his mouth and blood from his lips or mouth may have got onto the joint and entered in my mouth when I smoked the joint. Thing is I have bleeding gums and blood from the joint may have came in contact with my gums and entered in my bloodstream. My gums doesn’t bleed profusely like an open sore or wound but still bleeds sometimes here and there. so my question is what are the chances of getting HIV from the scenario explained? Im really really really worried.

Hi there and thanks for your question.

Based on what you have described, the likelihood of you getting HIV is very low.

That being said, if you are at all concerned you can go and get and HIV test to put your mind at ease. In BC, it is recommended that everyone (regardless of their risks) be tested for HIV at least once in their life. Any time you have a change in your health, or you are worried about a risk you may have had (sexual or as you have described here), that is another indication for testing.

In order for HIV to be transmitted, three conditions need to be present:

1) A person has to have body fluids (semen, blood, breast milk, vaginal or rectal fluids) that contain a good quantity and quality of HIV 

2) There has to be an activity with another person ( unprotected sex, preganancy and delivery, sharing injection equipment, occupation exposure)

3) An entry point in to the other person (rectum, vagina, mouth, vein, broken skin)

If any of these conditions are not present, HIV will not be transmitted. Even if HIV gets into the body, it will not necessarily result in infection.

This is also explained in the Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE) website: https://www.catie.ca/en/pif/fall-2011/exposure-infection-biology-hiv-transmission

I hope that this helps.

Health Nurse