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Home / Answered Questions / Hi i read your sti sheet says receiving a hand job which i get during sensual massage not commonly passed HPV,HERPES AND SYPHILIS. DOES THIS HAPPEN.I CHECK THE LADIES HANDS. I REALLY THOUGHT GETTING A HAND JOB SO JUST HER HANDS STIMULLATING ME WOULD BE SO SAFE THANKS

Hi i read your sti sheet says receiving a hand job which i get during sensual massage not commonly passed HPV,HERPES AND SYPHILIS. DOES THIS HAPPEN.I CHECK THE LADIES HANDS. I REALLY THOUGHT GETTING A HAND JOB SO JUST HER HANDS STIMULLATING ME WOULD BE SO SAFETHANKS

While it is not common for these STIs to be transmitted this way and certain conditions would have to be present for it to happen we cannot say that it never does.

Herpes, Syphilis and HPV are bacteria and viruses found on the skin, usually around the genital area. They are most often passed if someone with one of these STIs rubs their genitals against another person’s genitals or during oral sex.

There are some situations that may cause the virus or bacteria to pass even if no direct contact between genitals or mouth takes place. For example, if a person is giving a hand job and has a herpes outbreak on their genitals if they touch that area with the hand they are using for the hand job, the virus may be passed.

Hand jobs are certainly considered a “safer” sexual practice but unfortunately even they carry a small risk.

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Health Nurse

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