A service provided by the BC Centre for Disease Control



Home / Answered Questions / hi I was wondering if someone takes their saliva and rubs it on your penis with their fingers can this cause a std even if it did not go into the mouth and is touching vaginal fluid with your hand can this transmit and std

hi I was wondering if someone takes their saliva and rubs it on your penis with their fingers can this cause a std even if it did not go into the mouth and is touching vaginal fluid with your hand can this transmit and std


HIV, Chlamydia and gonorrhea are not passed in the ways that you describe. Herpes, HPV and syphilis are not commonly passed these ways.

You might want to check out our charts called  Know Your Chances. These charts give you a lot of information about ways of having sex and the chances of getting or passing an STI.

Please leave a comment to let us know if this answers your question or if you need more information.

Health Nurse

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