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Home / Answered Questions / hi i went to a massage parlour and engaged in fingering body to bodymassage hand job and french kissing does this pose any sti risks thanks

hi i went to a massage parlour and engaged in fingering body to bodymassage hand job and french kissing does this pose any sti risks thanks

Most STIs are not commonly passed through massage or French kissing but there is one exception. Herpes, the virus that can cause Cold Sores can easily be passed through kissing as it can be found around the mouth. If a person has a cold sore and they kiss someone the virus can pass. If they are a carrier of the virus, but have no cold sore there is still some risk but it is less likely to pass.

The Herpes virus could also be passed during a hand job but this in not common and certain conditions would have to be present. The same can be said for Syphilis and HPV. These bacteria and viruses are found on the skin, usually around the genital area. So If, for example, the person giving the hand job had a herpes outbreak on their genitals and they touch their own genital area with the hand they were using for the hand job, the virus may be passed.

It is not common for these STIs to be transmitted this way but we cannot say that it never happens.

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Health Nurse

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