A service provided by the BC Centre for Disease Control



Home / Answered Questions / Hi, I went to a public toilet (was not that clean) and was having set of documents in my hand. When finishing using toilet and stood up all the papers/documents fell down, some on the toilet floor and some on toilet seat. I picket up those papers/documents as those are very important and original. Not sure if the floor or toilet seat had any blood spill or body fluids infected with any STDs. As it is a paper/documents, I could not clean or wash it and have to use on daily basis as it is important. When I came home put those papers in my suitcase along with my clothes. Do I get infected with any STDs by touching this papers and clothes with the hands and using the same hand for eating and touching and using other stuffs. Now I feel I am surrounded with viruses as I use the same cloth which was touched by these papers and sleep on my bed so thinking that I am spreading it from paper to clothes, clothes to bed and bed/cloth/paper to hand and hand to mouth/eyes/nose etc. Please help me to provide the actual fact do I get infected by any STDs and should be worried and also do I need to take any tests? Thanks in advance!

Hi, I went to a public toilet (was not that clean) and was having set of documents in my hand. When finishing using toilet and stood up all the papers/documents fell down, some on the toilet floor and some on toilet seat. I picket up those papers/documents as those are very important and original. Not sure if the floor or toilet seat had any blood spill or body fluids infected with any STDs.As it is a paper/documents, I could not clean or wash it and have to use on daily basis as it is important. When I came home put those papers in my suitcase along with my clothes. Do I get infected with any STDs by touching this papers and clothes with the hands and using the same hand for eating and touching and using other stuffs. Now I feel I am surrounded with viruses as I use the same cloth which was touched by these papers and sleep on my bed so thinking that I am spreading it from paper to clothes, clothes to bed and bed/cloth/paper to hand and hand to mouth/eyes/nose etc.Please help me to provide the actual fact do I get infected by any STDs and should be worried and also do I need to take any tests? Thanks in advance!

Hi there,

We do not know of anyone getting an STI from toilet seats, toilet floors, or objects/ paper that touched toilets. You do not need to worry about getting an STI this way. STIs are spread directly from person to person during oral, anal or vaginal sex.

It sounds like you have been very worried about this. If an STI test will help you to relax about this situation, then go ahead and get one, but again, there is no STI risk here. It may be helpful to talk about to a supportive person, health professional or counsellor if you are finding that this worry is having effects on your quality of lfe.

Let us know if that answers your question,

Health Nurse