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Home / Answered Questions / HI nurse, My question is, is it possible to get a hsv specific blood test in British Columbia? I’m willing to pay extra. I’m just really concerned I have hsv 2 and I don’t want to spread it to my partner. If is is possible how do I go about it and when would be the most accurate time after exposure to get the test done? My concern is because I had a rash blemish that was checked by three doctors. The first doctor didn’t know what it was, (but he couldn’t do a swab because it was Saturday and said the swab wouldn’t last tI’ll Monday. Then I went on Wednesday and the doctor said it was nothing but wouldn’t swab it. Then I went two weeks later and this doctor was unsure if it was herpes but put me on a cream and it went away. I’m just not sure if it was the herpe just going away on its own or what. This is why I really want a specific hsv blood test. I will say I mutually masturbated with another male. That is the only risky behavior I did. Then this small rash showed up on the outer foreskin the next night. Please help me

HI nurse, My question is, is it possible to get a hsv specific blood test in British Columbia? I’m willing to pay extra. I’m just really concerned I have hsv 2 and I don’t want to spread it to my partner. If is is possible how do I go about it and when would be the most accurate time after exposure to get the test done?My concern is because I had a rash blemish that was checked by three doctors. The first doctor didn’t know what it was, (but he couldn’t do a swab because it was Saturday and said the swab wouldn’t last tI’ll Monday. Then I went on Wednesday and the doctor said it was nothing but wouldn’t swab it. Then I went two weeks later and this doctor was unsure if it was herpes but put me on a cream and it went away. I’m just not sure if it was the herpe just going away on its own or what. This is why I really want a specific hsv blood test. I will say I mutually masturbated with another male. That is the only risky behavior I did. Then this small rash showed up on the outer foreskin the next night. Please help me

Thanks for your question. The most common reason for a foreskin rash would be a yeast infection or fungal rash and this will clear quickly with application of an antifungal cream like clotrimazole.  If this was the type of cream that you used and your rash cleared, then this would confirm a fungal rash. Herpes does not clear with an antifungal cream. If you are unsure about this, you can check with the doctor who prescribed it for you.
Herpes blood tests are not done routinely as an STI test as most people have been exposed to herpes ( estimated 8 out of 10) and will have a positive result. Herpes is easily transmitted through contact like kissing, sharing drinks, contact sports like rugby or wrestling and oral, vaginal and anal sex. The herpes blood test does not tell you where the herpes is on your body. HSV type one prefers around the mouth but also can be on the genitals. HSV type 2 prefers to be around the genitals but can be on the mouth.
It is possible to pay for herpes blood testing and typing in British Columbia and you could talk to the doctor about paying for the test. Usually it costs around $130 to do the HSV typing test.
If you have symptoms again, it is best to see someone while you have them so testing can be done if needed. Hope this helps. Health Nurse