Hi there
You could be right that what you have is a yeast infection. It is very common and most women will get at least one at some point in their life. There is often a thick white odorless discharge and itchiness.
However, we can’t accurately diagnose something online, so it would be good idea to get checked out to make sure that you are treating yourself for the right thing; especially since you are seeing some open areas or ‘rips’ on your skin. Also, there are some medical conditions that can make a person more likely to get a yeast infection. Once you know what you are treating, then you can decide how you want to treat it.
Natural treatments that people have tried include putting plain unsweetened yoghurt, or probiotic capsules, in the vagina. Some people try a white vinegar and water douche. It is important to be careful with douching. You probably need to talk to your healthcare provider before you try douching. Some women who get frequent yeast infections find that changing their diet helps. It may help to reduce carbohydrates, sugar, alcohol and caffeine.
Men can get yeast. It can show as a red rash, which may or may not be itchy. There may be a cheesy white discharge on the head of the penis and the foreskin can swell and become tight. This can be serious, so if you partner developed this kind of discharge he should see a healthcare provider.
Check out our clinic finder, if you need help finding a place to go for advice.
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Health Nurse
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