HSV 1 and HSV 2 (Herpes Simples Virus 1 & 2) are both part of the Herpes family and they attach themselves to the nerves in the area of the first outbreak. So this means that if you have an outbreak in the genitals that is caused by HSV 1 the virus is in that area and will end up attached to the nerves that are at the base of the spine.
Your doctor was right in telling you that HSV 1 infections in the genitals rarely cause recurring outbreaks.
It is possible to pass HSV 1 or 2 from the genitals to the genitals or mouth of a partner is they do not have this virus so it is recommended to avoid sexual contact during any outbreaks and to use a barrier such as a condom or dental dam at other times. Because it is less likely for the type 1 virus to be present on the genitals, it is less likely the virus will be passed to a partner than if you had type 2 on your genitals.
Finally, you can not pass the virus to a partner if they all ready have the same type so it is possible for your partner to be tested to see if they have the same type in their system as many people carry this virus and have no outbreaks.
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Health Nurse
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