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Home / Answered Questions / I am 62, I have had sex with my wife only for the last 33 years, mostly traditional missionary and very poor oral sex and its beeen like that for the last 33 yrs. A couple of weeks ago I met a young lady of 34, and she’s a house wife with 2 kids (she shared the pictures with her in them); so we met and had a glass of wine and then we went to my hotel room and chatted some more till we started to kiss, and kiss and she started to give me oral sex, with clothes on and then without clothes on on my bed till I ejeculated in her mouth………….the next day paranoia set in with me if she’s clean and infection free. I asked her via email and text, and she replied via text and phone call, that she’s good and clean and for me that there is nothing to worry about; she seems like a nice woman, seemed honest………what do I do? can’t tell my wife….Id rather die beforeI tell her………but after so many years of boring sex I had a chance to get something you only see on videos and it wasn’t even that good! but it felt good and different.

I am 62, I have had sex with my wife only for the last 33 years, mostly traditional missionary and very poor oral sex and its beeen like that for the last 33 yrs. A couple of weeks ago I met a young lady of 34, and she’s a house wife with 2 kids (she shared the pictures with her in them); so we met and had a glass of wine and then we went to my hotel room and chatted some more till we started to kiss, and kiss and she started to give me oral sex, with clothes on and then without clothes on on my bed till I ejeculated in her mouth………….the next day paranoia set in with me if she’s clean and infection free. I asked her via email and text, and she replied via text and phone call, that she’s good and clean and for me that there is nothing to worry about; she seems like a nice woman, seemed honest………what do I do? can’t tell my wife….Id rather die beforeI tell her………but after so many years of boring sex I had a chance to get something you only see on videos and it wasn’t even that good! but it felt good and different.

Thanks for writing in with your concerns. Oral sex is considered a low risk activity for HIV transmission. It can however be a way for syphilis, chlamydia and gonorrhea to be well transmitted. The incubation window for syphilis is between 10 to 90 days and the earliest the testing can detect chlamydia or gonorrhea is at 2 weeks post sex ( can detect earlier if there is symptoms). It would be advisable for both of you to test so you both know your own status and if any STI’s are detected, you can both be treated. If you have had unprotected sex with your wife since this partner, then your wife would of course need to be treated as well.  If you have any other questions or need resources, please write back. Health Nurse