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Home / Answered Questions / I am a gay man, age 47. I received HPV vaccine many years ago. Recently, I start wondering that if strength of the vaccine may wear off over time. Do I need to get a update HPV vaccine every few years or is one vaccination good for the life time?

I am a gay man, age 47. I received HPV vaccine many years ago. Recently, I start wondering that if strength of the vaccine may wear off over time. Do I need to get a update HPV vaccine every few years or is one vaccination good for the life time?

Hi, there are ongoing studies on how long the effectiveness of the HPV vaccine lasts. Recently this 2017 study titled HPV vaccine is effective, safe 10 years after it’s given,  showed that at 10 years the vaccine was still effective in providing immunity. www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/11/171129131400.htm

I checked with one of our resident physicians and currently there are no clinical recommendations to revaccinate individuals.

Let us know if this does not answer your question or if you have any more questions or concerns. Health Nurse