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Home / Answered Questions / I gave this guy head at school in the dark and I’m really scared because I have bumps on my tounge and my stomach hurts really bad please help I’m 14 btw

I gave this guy head at school in the dark and I’m really scared because I have bumps on my tounge and my stomach hurts really bad please help I’m 14 btw

Hi there,

It sounds like this experience has got you really worried. I can reassure you that bumps on your tongue and stomach aches are not commonly signs of any sexually transmitted infection (STI).

It is possible to get some infections like herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia or syphilis from oral sex, but these don’t cause stomach aches or bumps on the tongue. Using condoms can really reduce the risk of catching most STIs. Since you are sexually active, and just to ease your mind, it’s probably a good time to start thinking about getting STI testing. You can use our clinic finder app to find an STI clinic or a youth clinic near you. 

It can be quite overwhelming to sort out your own feelings and boundaries about sex. No one should be pressured to have sex (including oral sex). Please send us more questions (public or private) or chat with us online if you are worried about being pressured.

You can also find some good information about this on the options for sexual health website.

Let us know if this helps,

Health Nurse