A service provided by the BC Centre for Disease Control



Home / Answered Questions / I had a met a transgendered women recently and we kissed each other for 3 to 4 times and then started oral sex on my pennis but it was a very short one almost less than 2 min and moved away without having sex what are the chances of getting any stds or HIV and when should I get tested and If I aquired any std what would be the symptoms and in how many days would they appear. This was my first time.

I had a met a transgendered women recently and we kissed each other for 3 to 4 times and then started oral sex on my pennis but it was a very short one almost less than 2 min and moved away without having sex what are the chances of getting any stds or HIV and when should I get tested and If I aquired any std what would be the symptoms and in how many days would they appear. This was my first time.

Hi and thanks for your questions.  The activities you describe are considered very low risk for HIV transmission.  Unprotected oral sex can be a risk for transmission of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis.
The earliest recommended time for sti testing is at 2 weeks post contact. Then retesting at 6 weeks /3 months would be advised to cover the incubation times of chlamydia ( 2-6 weeks) and syphilis 10-90 days).  You can check out more about STI’s and symptoms here:

Hope this helps. Health Nurse