It is a good idea to get tested after a condom breaks and there is unprotected sex.
It does take time for antibodies to show up in the blood and be found with HIV testing. This is called the window period. With the HIV rapid test, the virus is usually found in the blood within 3-6 weeks, but it can take up to 3 months.
Your sexual partner had a rapid test at 2 weeks after your contact. If she had very recently got HIV the test may not be accurate.
I don’t know how reliable the orasure or geodesic meditech tests are, or if they were studied by Health Canada. In Canada, the INSTI Rapid HIV test is the only test licensed for use in healthcare settings and is the only one used in Vancouver clinics. You cannot buy this test online, so you need to go to a clinic to get the INSTI test done.
If you would like to go to a clinic for testing, you can locate one using our clinic finder.
Health Nurse