Hi and thanks for writing in with your concerns. It sounds like you have been very worried. Using a condom for sex is considered safe sex and that is why using a condom is recommended to prevent HIV transmission. Testing at 3 months post sex is considered the accurate time to test and cover the window period now because the testing has improved from the older time line of 6 months. So if you had protected sex in April, you did not get HIV. If you tested negative in July – 3 months later- then you do not have HIV. If you have symptoms now, then these symptoms are caused by something else, not from HIV as you do not have HIV. If your symptoms persist, then consider seeing a doctor to find out what else would be causing them. Sometimes being really worried can cause our bodies and minds to act in different ways and finding ways to work out the stress can be helpful. Hope this helps. Health Nurse
This answer was posted on August 21, 2016.