Thanks for writing in with your concerns. I am sorry to hear how worried you have been for the last 2 months about the possibility of getting HIV and I am very sorry to hear that you have been so worried that you considered ending your life. If you feel this way again or simply want to talk to someone confidentially about what is happening for you; please call the BC 24 hour crisis line where you can talk to someone about how you are feeling. You can call 1-800-784-2433 anytime day or night.
You were given the correct information that oral sex is considered very low to no risk for getting HIV. Sometimes when one is very anxious, the stress can affect the body and cause symptoms like you are describing. sometimes these symptoms may be caused by other bacteria or viruses that were not transmitted sexually. It is most likely that HIV is not causing your symptoms of diarrhea and sore throat. Testing at 3 months for HIV will cover the window period for HIV and provide reassurance that you did not get HIV from the oral sex. I hope this helps and please write again if you have any questions. Health Nurse