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Home / Answered Questions / I recieved a blowjob from a women unknown ut did not ejaculate , can i have contracted a std ? if so what sort of std ?

I recieved a blowjob from a women unknown ut did not ejaculate , can i have contracted a std ? if so what sort of std ?

Receiving a blowjob can put you at risk for Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis, Herpes and HPV. Your risk for any of these does not change if you ejaculate or not.

Using a condom while receiving blowjobs will pretty much remove your risk for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia however, because Syphilis, Herpes and HPV are passed through skin to skin contact, they can be passed to you if your partner’s mouth or tongue come in contact with skin not covered by the condom.

Regular testing is recommended for people who are receiving blowjobs.

Check out our Know your chances Charts for more information on how different STIs are passed.

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Health Nurse

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