Hi, thanks for your question. If you had a herpes swab taken from the genital area and the swab came back as positive for herpes, then this is confirmation it is genital herpes. If you had routine herpes blood testing done and the blood test came back positive, this is an expected result as the majority of people have been exposed to herpes and would have antibodies in their blood that turns the herpes blood test positive. This is one of the reasons that herpes blood tests are not done routinely for sti testing as most people will get a positive result. The other reason is that the blood test does not tell you where the herpes is so the positive blood results may mean there is herpes around the mouth. It is possible to have Type 1 and type 2 herpes on the mouth although type 2 prefers the genitals. It is possible to have both type 1 and 2 on the genitals . It is possible to have herpes and not have any outbreaks at all. Usually herpes outbreaks last anywhere from a few days to 3 weeks before they clear. Herpes symptoms are not constant and an outbreak would not last for 6 months so it would be worth having the symptoms that you describe checked out with your doctor to see if there is another reason for the constant burning and itching sensation. If these symptoms are due to continuing herpes outbreaks, then using a prescribed daily antiviral medication will control this and also help to prevent transmission to a partner.
Studies of couples where one person has genital herpes and the other partner does not, have shown that using condoms can reduce the transmission risk. Health Nurse