A service provided by the BC Centre for Disease Control



Home / Answered Questions / I took my doxycycline for Chlamydia 7 days (twice a day 100mg as prescribed) around 10-12 hours apart and followed instructions to not drink, abstain from sex..etc. It is the first day after finishing the treatment however I still feel not completely back to normal. No discharge or pain but a little tingling is still present. Is this normal for the symptoms to not be completely gone or was the treatment ineffective? Just wondering whether I should still abstain from sex with my girlfriend to risk not passing it on? Thanks.

I took my doxycycline for Chlamydia 7 days (twice a day 100mg as prescribed) around 10-12 hours apart and followed instructions to not drink, abstain from sex..etc. It is the first day after finishing the treatment however I still feel not completely back to normal. No discharge or pain but a little tingling is still present. Is this normal for the symptoms to not be completely gone or was the treatment ineffective? Just wondering whether I should still abstain from sex with my girlfriend to risk not passing it on? Thanks.

Hi,thanks for your questions. It sounds like you took the treatment as prescribed and so the chlamydia is considered treated. Its important that your girlfriend was also treated as a contact to you even if her test results were negative. It can be common for a urethral awareness to be present after a urethral infection and sometimes takes a couple weeks to clear completely. Unless you have been re-exposed to chlamydia in this time, you can consider yourself clear of chlamydia and able to have sex without worrying about transmitting it.

For more information about chlamydia please see https://smartsexresource.com/topics/chlamydia

Let us know if this does not answer your question or if you have any more questions or concerns.
Health Nurse