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Home / Answered Questions / if you take a birth control pill for the first time and have sex on the same day, are the chances of getting pregnant high? When’s the best time to have sex w/o a condom off b/c, with a low chance of getting pregnant in your ovulation cycle? Thank you

if you take a birth control pill for the first time and have sex on the same day, are the chances of getting pregnant high? When’s the best time to have sex w/o a condom off b/c, with a low chance of getting pregnant in your ovulation cycle? Thank you


That is a bit hard to answer because it depends on when you started taking the pill and if you are taking it correctly. If you started the pill on the first day of your period and continued to take it correctly, then the chances of getting pregnant are low. Some people do a ‘quick start’, which means they don’t wait for a period but start taking the pill right away. Depending on the time of the menstrual cycle when you started taking the pill, the chances might be higher if you had unprotected sex.

Generally, we recommend that you use condoms for at least 7 days after starting the pill. If you do not get a period at the end of the pill package, it would be a good idea to have a pregnancy test. If you need a pregnancy test, in BC you can buy them in pharmacies, you can go to a doctor or use our clinic finder to locate a clinic near you.

As for your second question, I think the Options for Sexual Health fertility awareness page will give you the best information about what you need to know if you want to use this method of birth control.

Please let us know if that answers your questions or if you need more information.

Health Nurse