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Home / Answered Questions / I’m on the birth control patch and I’m on my 4th week when I take it off ive gotten my period but its very light, and I’m wondering if it could be pregancy even though I’m on the patch and use condoms

I’m on the birth control patch and I’m on my 4th week when I take it off ive gotten my period but its very light, and I’m wondering if it could be pregancy even though I’m on the patch and use condoms

Hi, you are using a very effective birth control method with both the patch and the condoms so pregnancy would be prevented.  It is quite common for periods to be lighter when using  hormonal birth control whether it is the patch, the ring or the pills. The recommendation is to keep going with the scheduled start of the next patch even if you still have a bit of spotting happening. Let us know if you have any other questions. Health Nurse