Hi there,
Thanks for your question. This is not at all likely to transmit HIV to you. We do not think that people can get HIV when they receive oral sex.
HIV does not live in saliva, only in blood, semen, vaginal fluid and breast milk. HIV could only pass this way if the person giving you oral sex was HIV-positive, had a high enough “viral load”, and was bleeding from the mouth so much that blood entered your urethra (pee-hole). This scenario is very very unlikely, so that’s why we say it’s “possible in theory”.
There are other infections like syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia that you can get from unprotected oral sex, though, so it’s a good idea to get tested for these if you’re having unprotected oral sex. You can look at the charts on this website to find out more about what kinds of infections psas during different kinds of sex.
Let us know if that helps answer your question or if you need more information.
Health Nurse
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