A service provided by the BC Centre for Disease Control



Home / Answered Questions / So my period was 2 days late. I got it now it was heavy at first not its light. I took a prego test and it was neagtive! I have sex on the 12 of this month and I’m scare I bet be prego!!! Please help, I cramping and little.nauseous that’s it.

So my period was 2 days late. I got it now it was heavy at first not its light. I took a prego test and it was neagtive! I have sex on the 12 of this month and I’m scare I bet be prego!!! Please help, I cramping and little.nauseous that’s it.

Hi, thanks for your question. It is not unusual for a period to be a couple days early or a couple days late. If you have bleeding like a period then it usually this would mean that you are not pregnant . You do not say if the sex you had was protected like whether your partner used a condom or not or whether you are using contraception like the birth control pill.  Doing a pregnancy test one week after your period was due would be the most accurate time to do the test. If you are still worried and would  like to do another pregnancy test and perhaps speak to a nurse about birth control, then consider going to the nearest youth clinic or sti clinic where you can talk about your concerns confidentially. Health Nurse