A service provided by the BC Centre for Disease Control



Home / Answered Questions / Thank u all for the excellent job that u all do by giving sane advice.I need to ask a serious question as how many people u have counselled for hiv have returned back and specified their results.Say a person who has tested negative at 8 to 10 weeks,would have had encouraging words that his result is unlikely to change at 12 weeks/3 months.But has anybody ever on ur site returned back to confirm whether ur assurance was correct or wrong.I understand that a person is likely to be shocked if his hiv test results were to be on the wrong side,but still has anyone ever countered or confirmed what encouragement have been given by all of u.

Thank u all for the excellent job that u all do by giving sane advice.I need to ask a serious question as how many people u have counselled for hiv have returned back and specified their results.Say a person who has tested negative at 8 to 10 weeks,would have had encouraging words that his result is unlikely to change at 12 weeks/3 months.But has anybody ever on ur site returned back to confirm whether ur assurance was correct or wrong.I understand that a person is likely to be shocked if his hiv test results were to be on the wrong side,but still has anyone ever countered or confirmed what encouragement have been given by all of u.


There are only a few people that get back to us online to say everything was ok. We haven’t had anyone come back and say they had a bad result.

Our main experience comes from working in our STI clinics were we see people coming in for a test at 8 to 10 weeks and then doing a final test at 12 weeks.

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Health Nurse

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