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Home / Answered Questions / When taking chlamydia antibiotics is it ok to have sex with condoms?

When taking chlamydia antibiotics is it ok to have sex with condoms?


It’s best to wait until you and any sex partners have finished your antibiotics before having sex. The reason we say this is because chlamydia usually does not show any symptoms and it’s difficult to know if it would be passed to you again or to someone else.

Condoms offer good protection against chlamydia, but if you do have sex before you finish your antibiotics it would be good to do a test of cure in 6 weeks just to make sure it is gone.

Chlamydia can be a tricky one as it is really common, usually shows no symptoms and can be in penis, vagina, throat and rectum. It can pass with oral sex as well, so if having oral sex would be good to use condoms until you finish your antibiotics.

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Health Nurse

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