A service provided by the BC Centre for Disease Control



Home / Answered Questions / Ya hay I think I have HPV but I have no idea where to go ? To get treated

Ya hay I think I have HPV but I have no idea where to go ? To get treated


I take it that with HPV you mean that you are asking about having genital warts treated. Let me know if I got that wrong.

In BC Canada you can get genital warts treated at most clinics e.g. family doctors, walk in clinics etc.. The health professional you see will either have products they can use in the clinic or they will write you a prescription for a product you can purchase from a pharmacy to use at home.

Have a look at our HPV and Genital Warts page for additional information on HPV.

Let us know if you need help finding a clinic in your area or if you have any more questions.

Health Nurse