A service provided by the BC Centre for Disease Control




Search our resource database for downloadable guides and handouts on a variety of sexual health topics. This section also contains guidelines, resources, and a blog for health care providers and other health professionals support your practice and the people you serve.

Portrait of a woman with earrings with a colorful blue shirt with patterns
Two people looking at each other laughing with purple shirts


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STI updates are blog posts from the BCCDC or our community partners about a variety of sexual health topics. These include program updates, clinical practice changes, new research, events, and more. We will not clutter your inbox with frequent emails, and your email address will not be used for any other purposes. 

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Resource Database

Search downloadable guides and handouts on a variety of sexual health topics. Available in multiple languages.


For Providers

Sexual health and STI guidelines, professional development, and resources for health care providers and other health professionals in BC support your practice and the people you serve.

Browse all resources

STI Data

The BC Centre for Disease Control, Clinical Prevention Services Epidemiology & Surveillance team reports regularly on the incidence of STIs in BC.