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Demonstrating the Impact of Community-Based HIV/HCV Organizations in BC

Have you ever wondered what impact BC’s community-based HIV and HCV organizations are having? The Pacific AIDS Network and the BC HIV/HCV Evaluation Advisory Group decided to work towards answering this question by developing the Community HIV/HCV Evaluation and Reporting Tool (the CHERT). The CHERT is an online survey tool that aims to collect annual data from community-based HIV/HCV organizations in BC about the range of programs and services they provide. Overall, the findings from this tool aim to demonstrate the value and impact of the work being done by these organizations across the province.

Data collected by the CHERT is of critical importance for the following reasons:

This tool aims to simplify the data collected by community-based HIV/HCV organizations in BC. Standardization will reduce the number of repetitive and time-consuming reporting requirements set out by funding agencies, as the CHERT aims to centralize this reporting process.

Program Planning and Improvement
The CHERT aims to help community-based HIV/HCV organizations to identify gaps and trends in service delivery that can be used to adjust services or develop new activities as necessary.

To Demonstrate Success
The findings from this tool, used over time, will demonstrate the impacts of community-based HIV/HCV organizations.

The first round of data was collected with the CHERT in June 2012. The CHERT team is currently focusing on disseminating results from this year’s survey, in addition to gearing up for the 2013 data collection period.

For further information

Feel free to contact Elayne Vlahaki at elayne.vlahaki(at)gmail.com for more information.

Findings from the first year of data collected with the CHERT can be accessed at: http://pacificaidsnetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Final-2012-CHERT-Report_12oct122.pdf