A service provided by the BC Centre for Disease Control



Home / Resources / STI Updates (Blog) / Events and announcements / 4th Annual CANAC Western Canadian HIV Nursing Symposium: Aboriginal Communities and HIV

4th Annual CANAC Western Canadian HIV Nursing Symposium: Aboriginal Communities and HIV

This full-day event on Friday, March 15th is sponsored by the Canadian Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (CANAC), Bristol-Myers-Squibb and Providence Health Care. 

The focus of the symposium is on cultural safety and Aboriginal health, and the event features a plenary speech, multiple presentations and a panel discussion (please see the attached agenda below).  This event is free to CANAC members and includes lunch.

Theme: Aboriginal Communities and HIV
Friday March 15th, 2013
New Lecture Theatre, Level 1, Providence Building,
St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver BC

Special evening event
Yuwipi followed by a small sharing of food
Friday March 15th, 2013
Conference room 6, Level 1, Providence Building,
St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver, BC

For more information and to reserve a space, please contact Brynn Grierson, CANAC Pacific Representative at canacbc(at)gmail.com or bgrierson(at)providencehealth.bc.ca.  Please indicate which portion(s) of the day you wish to attend.