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Presentation: Dr. King Holmes lecture on the current state of STI research

Dr. King Holmes, the winner of the 2013 Canada Gairdner Global Health Award, will be giving a special lecture at the University of British Columbia on Thursday, October 31.

The title of his lecture is “Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) Research: Major Progress, Current Challenges and Future Opportunities“.

Dr. Holmes is the William H. Foege Chair of Global Health at the University of Washington, and the founder and director of the University of Washington Center for AIDS and STD. He is also the head of Infectious Diseases at Harborview Medical Center.

When: 4:00 PM Thursday, October 31, 2013
Where: UBC London Drugs Theatre in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Building, 2405 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

A reception will follow at 5:00 PM in the Atrium.

Please RSVP for this event http://gairdnerlectureubc.eventbrite.ca