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Home / Resources / STI Updates (Blog) / Program updates / The Community HIV/HCV Evaluation and Reporting Tool (CHERT): 2 years of progress

The Community HIV/HCV Evaluation and Reporting Tool (CHERT): 2 years of progress

Community-based organizations play a critical role in the response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in BC.  Over the past two years, the Pacific AIDS Network and the BC HIV/HCV Evaluation Advisory Group have been collecting the necessary data to demonstrate this community contribution through the design and implementation of the Community HIV/HCV Evaluation and Reporting Tool (CHERT).

The CHERT is an online survey that collects annual data from community-based organizations about the range of HIV/HCV-related programs and services they provide in BC.

Outcomes to-date

Two rounds of data collection and reporting have been conducted with the CHERT, covering the 2011 – 2012 and 2012 – 2013 fiscal years. The most recent CHERT report includes the following new components that offer a more comprehensive picture of the impact community agencies are making.

  • A report section that illustrates the community contribution towards the success of the provincial strategy to address HIV/AIDS, as outlined in From Hope to health: Towards an AIDS Free Generation. Specifically, CHERT respondents’ contribution to the success of Treatment as Prevention and other complementary HIV prevention activities are discussed.
  • An analysis of the shifts in CHERT data from the 2011 – 2012 to the 2012 – 2013 years.

The CHERT team is currently focusing on disseminating results from the 2012 – 2013 survey, in addition to gearing up for the 2014 data collection period.

Further information

View the 2012 CHERT Report and the 2013 CHERT Report, as well as the 2013 Summary Report

Other documentation about the CHERT can be accessed here: http://pacificaidsnetwork.org/programs-projects/evaluation/

If you are interested in learning more about the CHERT, please contact Elayne Vlahaki at evlahaki(at)catalystresearchgroup.com.