The BC Adolescent Health Survey
This past spring, nearly 30,000 youth in grades 7-12 in BC completed the fifth BC Adolescent Health Survey (BC AHS). This is the largest and most representative survey of its kind, with students in 56 of the province’s 59 school districts taking part.
Since 1992, the BC AHS has provided up to date, accurate information about what BC youth know, think and do about their health. The questionnaire gathers information about young people’s physical health, emotional health, and factors that can influence health during adolescence and in later life.
The AHS asks a range of questions about sexual health, including:
- sexual activity,
- contraceptive use,
- pregnancy involvement,
- sexually transmitted infections, and
- sexual decision making.
The 2013 questionnaire also includes new questions to reflect changing trends in adolescent health, including additional questions about oral sex.
A provincial highlights report will be released in early 2014, with regional reports to follow.
Data analysis is currently underway for a report on youth sexual health, which will also be published soon. Check back for updates and report summaries!
For more information
The BC AHS is conducted by the McCreary Centre Society, a non-government youth health organization committed to improving youth health through research, program evaluation and youth engagement.
To view past AHS reports, visit