A service provided by the BC Centre for Disease Control



Home / Resources / STI Updates (Blog) / Events and announcements / Hepatitis C Outreach Roadshow – coming to a Northern Health location near you!

Hepatitis C Outreach Roadshow – coming to a Northern Health location near you!

In recognition of May as hepatitis awareness month, volunteers from HepC BC are visiting a number of communities across northern BC in April and May.

Between April 23rd and May 10th, the Hepatitis C Outreach Roadshow will be conducting 20 public meetings with the intention of reaching communities in remote locations, including reserves, nursing stations and wellness centres. 

Most meetings will include a showing of the 60-minute film on HCV called “Deal with it”, a shared lunch or dinner, new HCV education materials and short presentations that focus on HCV testing, treatment and confidentiality of health information.  The Roadshow will also include 3 one-hour meetings in Williams Lake, Smithers and Prince George for planning and sharing with local nurses and community health representatives.

The Roadshow crew includes:

  • Fran Falconer – hepatology nurse educator
  • Rosemary Plummer – nurse and president of HepC BC
  • Cheryl Reitz – retired adult educator and recently cured of HCV

An itinerary for the Roadshow is available and can be downloaded below under Additional Resources.  For anyone interested in attending a public meeting, the itinerary lists the dates, time and locations of presentations. (Note: some of the locations have not yet been confirmed)

For more information