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Gay Poz Sex: one year out

I guess if I had one recommendation to improve the program, it would be to say that it was too short.” – Gay Poz Sex participant

Last November, Positive Living BC launched its new eight-week Gay Poz Sex (GPS) program as a randomized controlled trial, after previously holding only non-protocol groups.

Early results

All eight men from the original randomized group have completed the research program in its entirety – a remarkable retention rate. As of December 1, 2014, three cohorts have completed the eight-week program and show positive early outcomes.

Following each eight-week GPS program, participants complete three online questionnaires and one qualitative, face-to-face interview. While the online questionnaires are more quantitative in nature – asking questions ranging from depression and HIV to sexual health and practices – the qualitative interview offers participants the opportunity to provide the GPS team with feedback. This feedback is important for improving the program, assessing individual-level program impacts, and evaluating whether or not participants benefitted from the social aspect of the GPS group.

Many participants shared sentiments similar to the one quoted above. Despite being a comprehensive eight-week program, most participants wished that GPS could have continued. Participants have also reported social interactions with group members outside of the GPS sessions, demonstrating the ability of GPS to create connections in the community.

We (still) need your help!

Although 32 participants have signed up for the program to-date, the study is still just under halfway to its recruitment goal. The peer facilitators, Michael Crate and Jonathan Postnikoff, are the first point of contact, and can be reached by email or phone at 604-240-7205.

For promotional materials to display in your facility, please contact the research coordinator, Taylor Perry. Please check out the Gay Poz Sex website for more information.