New for 2016, the Clinical Prevention Services surveillance team has developed “dashboard” reports on the status of sexually transmitted infections and HIV trends in British Columbia. These reports will be posted quarterly in the STI Updates blog to provide a snapshot of HIV and STIs in BC.
The dashboard below describes the number of HIV and STIs reported to public health in the first quarter (Q1) of 2016, as of April 11, 2016. The risk factor categories for HIV— MSM, PWID, and HET— are from the third quarter (Q3) of 2015 due to expected reporting delays.

Overall, there has been a decrease in HIV infections in BC in Q1 of 2016 compared with Q1 in 2015. The greatest reduction was among people who reported current or prior history of injecting drugs (PWID).
There were increases in the number of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and infectious syphilis cases reported in BC. Of these, the greatest increase was in the number of infectious syphilis cases reported. Males who reported having male sex partner(s) (MSM) is the group that represents over 85% of the infectious syphilis cases of which a risk factor is known (n=158). If this trend continues, we anticipate that there will be 768 cases of infectious syphilis reported in 2016, which is similar to the number of cases of infectious syphilis reported in 2015 (n=755).
Please note that this dashboard represents preliminary data and is subject to change. For more information on HIV and sexually transmitted infections in BC, please see the annual reports here.