A service provided by the BC Centre for Disease Control



Home / Resources / STI Updates (Blog) / Events and announcements / Revisions to the Pelvic Exam nursing decision support tool (DST)

Revisions to the Pelvic Exam nursing decision support tool (DST)

In March 2017, the revised 2017 PHSA RN Pelvic Exam DST entirely replaced the 2012 Pelvic Exam DST. In addition, the 2017 PHSA Core Nursing Practice Competencies for Pelvic Examination entirely replaced the 2011 version.

The Communicable Disease Control Manual – Chapter 5 (Sexually Transmitted Infections, Section 1) has been updated accordingly.

An Administrative Circular, available for download at the bottom of this post, provides an overview of the changes to the DST.

The BC Centre for Disease Control delivered a continued nurse education (CNE) session on April 25, 2017 by webcast. The CNE is available for viewing online.

For more information:

If you have any questions regarding these practice changes, please contact Cheryl Prescott, Senior Practice Leader, Clinical Prevention Services at 604‐707‐5651 or Lauren Collins, Clinic Coordinator Resource Nurse, Clinical Prevention Services at 604‐707‐2400 ex. 27‐3043.