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Positive Living BC opens new Community Dental Clinic

Positive Living BC is proud to announce the opening of our new dental clinic, located at 1101 Seymour Street in Vancouver. Our dentists are here to serve the unmet dental needs of people living with HIV and members of the broader community alike.

Historically located on the corner of Seymour and Helmcken Street in downtown Vancouver, the building in which Positive Living BC was formerly housed has been demolished and a new facility has been built in its place. With financial assistance from the Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation, a state of the art dental clinic with two operatories was built. In February 2018, the new dental clinic opened its doors to people from all walks of life, regardless of HIV status.


The Community Dental Clinic allows a vastly expanded range of dental services, in addition to the dental hygiene services previously offered at Positive Living BC.  The clinic now provides restorative dentistry, endodontics, minor oral surgery, and the much-needed oral medicine/pathology services important to people living with HIV.

Picture of new Positive Living's dental clinic facilities


As a certified not-for-profit clinic, the Positive Living Community Dental Clinic is dedicated to providing high quality, low cost care for people living with HIV and other underserviced communities.  However, for it to succeed in fulfilling its mandate, the clinic requires the support from members of the larger community.   Proceeds from the clinic directly benefit programming and dental care for people living with HIV.

Support people living with HIV by using our Community Dental Clinic!

Positive Living Community Dental Clinic 
1101 Seymour Street (First Floor), Vancouver
Phone: 604-893-2202 
Email: dental@positivelivingbc.org

About Positive Living BC

Positive Living BC is Western Canada’s largest HIV/AIDS organization, with more than 5,800 full voting members living with HIV. From its foundation in 1986 under the name Vancouver PWA Coalition, Positive Living BC has been at the forefront of the HIV/AIDS movement in Canada. The Society has exercised a leadership role in HIV/AIDS-related struggles that have changed the very nature of health care and health care delivery in our country, bringing consumers into effective participation in health care along with government, the health care industry and academia. This (and many other remarkable changes to both the face and the lethality of the disease) led, in 2011, to the name change from then BC Persons with AIDS Society to the Positive Living Society of BC (Positive Living BC) to better reflect the reality of HIV/AIDS in the new millennium. In February 2018, the Positive Living Community Dental Clinic opened its doors to provide comprehensive dental care to people living with HIV and other underserviced communities.