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A New Patient-Centred Resource about Endometriosis and Painful Sex

October 14, 2021 by Kiran Parmar, Research Assistant and Heather Noga, Research Program Manager at the Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Laboratory, University of British Columbia

Endometriosis is an inflammatory condition where tissue, similar to the endometrial lining, starts growing outside of the uterus. Endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women and an unmeasured number of gender diverse people. Common symptoms include pelvic pain during menstruation, chronic pelvic pain, pain with bowel movements and urination, reduced fertility and abnormal bleeding. Deep dyspareunia,…

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Addressing sexual health-related anxiety among sexual health service users

February 10, 2021 by Sarah Watt, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University

Background Anxiety and other mental health concerns are common among people accessing sexual health services, many of whom are not connected to mental health supports(1). A team of researchers from the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) and Simon Fraser University developed ‘Supporting and addressing anxiety in sexual health care: A resource for providers’, which…

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BCCDC Public Health Laboratory Update: STIBBI Serological Specimens

August 23, 2019 by BCCDC Public Health Laboratory

Given recent changes in testing methods and lab procedures, the BCCDC Public Health Laboratory (PHL) has made processing of STIBBI serological specimens more efficient. When drawing blood for any or all of the tests below, only 1 full* yellow/gold top tube (SST: serum separator tube) is required. *Note: If the tube is less than 2/3…

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Partner notification and management for infectious syphilis in BC

April 12, 2017 by Troy Grennan, Medical Head STI/HIV Control, Clinical Prevention Services, BCCDC

Background Rates of syphilis have increased dramatically over the last decade, both in British Columbia and internationally. In BC, the increase in 2015 was much higher than in previous years: 761 new infectious syphilis cases were diagnosed, a 40% increase over 2014. The numbers for 2016 mirror those of 2015.  An appropriate response to the…

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Ask Dr. Grennan! Answers to health provider questions about STIs

August 16, 2016 by Dr. Troy Grennan, Physician Lead, STI/HIV Program, Clinical Prevention Services, BCCDC

“My patient had a positive Neisseria gonorrhoeae urine nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT), but a negative Chlamydia trachomatis NAAT.  Why do I have to treat for both?” The treatment of choice for gonorrhea is a third-generation cephalosporin (either cefixime 800mg PO once, or ceftriaxone 250mg IM once).  Concomitant treatment with either azithromycin or doxycycline is…

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Clinician alert: Provincial increase in syphilis cases

March 31, 2016 by Troy Grennan, Medical Head, STI/HIV Control, Clinical Prevention Services, BCCDC

The rate of infectious syphilis in BC increased significantly from 11.9 per 100,000 in 2014, to 16.2 per 100,000 in 2015. Like many jurisdictions, BC has observed an increase in infectious syphilis rates since 2010. However, this recent increase was much greater than previous year-to-year increases. In 2015, there were 761 infectious syphilis cases –…

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What are the latest Gonorrhea treatment recommendations and what are the trends?

September 25, 2013 by Richard Lester, MD, FRCPC, Medical Head STI/HIV Control, BCCDC

Emerging multi-drug resistant gonorrhea is a global concern. In response, we at BCCDC Clinical Prevention Services (CPS) have been working with the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) to produce updates to the Gonorrhea Chapter treatment guidelines. These guidelines were recently released by PHAC and provisionally recommended in BC last year. Recommendations The revised guidelines…

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Immunization recommendations for people diagnosed with HIV

July 24, 2013 by Chelsea Haines, RN, Immunization Promotion Nurse, and Jessica Harper, Vaccine Educator, Immunization Program, BCCDC

Do you think about immunizations when caring for HIV-positive individuals? This World Hepatitis Day (July 28), we are raising awareness on the importance of hepatitis immunizations for people infected with HIV. Immunocompromised people, including those with HIV, are more susceptible to a number of vaccine-preventable diseases, including hepatitis A and B. There is the potential…

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Don’t forget to test for syphilis!

February 27, 2013 by Dr. Carolyn Montgomery, Clinic Physician, Clinical Prevention Services, BCCDC

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused the bacterium Treponema pallidum.  Although easily treated with antibiotics, it can cause severe long term complications and death if not treated early. There has been a significant increase in the number of cases of infectious syphilis in BC over the last year. This has predominantly been in the…

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Concerning but rare: “False Positives” with Point-of-Care (POC) HIV rapid testing

January 31, 2013 by Dr. Sarah Fielden, Manager, BCCDC Point-of-care HIV Testing Program, Clinical Prevention Services, BCCDC

Clinical Question: One of my clients had a false positive POC HIV test result. What can I tell my clients to help them deal with this possibility? Response: Sometimes called “rapid” HIV tests, POC HIV tests are HIV antibody screening tests which can be performed on-site while the client waits, and provide results within minutes….

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