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STI updates are blog posts from the BCCDC or our community partners about a variety of sexual health topics. These include program updates, clinical practice changes, new research, events, and more. We will not clutter your inbox with frequent emails, and your email address will not be used for any other purposes. 

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HIV self-testing update and where it is offered

December 13, 2022 by Monica Durigon, Nurse Educator, Clinical Prevention Services, BC Centre for Disease Control

What is an HIV self-test? Point of Care (POC) HIV tests, also known as “rapid” HIV tests, screen for HIV antibodies. The first POC HIV test approved by Health Canada is the INSTI® Rapid HIV Test, which has been used in clinics and health care settings for many years. In November 2020, it was approved…

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Mental health services at Health Initiative for Men (HIM)

February 9, 2018 by Aaron Purdie, Mental Health Program Manager, Health Initiative for Men

The idea of counselling can be intimidating for many people. However, talking to someone and having their expert perspective can often lead to positive changes of mood, improvement in physical symptoms and a shift in understanding of relationships with oneself and others. Services at HIM Counselling with the Health Initiative for Men (HIM) can provide…

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Upcoming webinar: Implementing the “early” HIV test in Vancouver

February 19, 2016 by BCCDC

On Tuesday, March 1st (10:00 AM PST), Drs. Mark Gilbert and Daniel Grace will give a webinar on “Implementing the ‘early’ HIV test in Vancouver: from acute diagnosis to undetectable identity”. Topic What is the impact of “early” HIV testing and diagnosis on the lives of gay men? From 2009 to 2013, the CIHR Team in…

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What are gay men’s experiences of being diagnosed with an acute or recent HIV infection?

February 20, 2015 by Daniel Grace, PhD, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, and Mark Gilbert, Director, Applied Epidemiology Unit, Ontario HIV Treatment Network

Background People with newly-acquired HIV experience very high viral loads in the first two months after infection, and are more infectious during this period called acute HIV infection (AHI). We set out to learn about gay men’s experiences of being diagnosed with an acute or recent HIV infection. Participants were asked to talk about when…

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