A service provided by the BC Centre for Disease Control



Answered Questions

In the years since SmartSexResource launched, we have developed a library of questions asked by you, and answered by our expert sexual health nurses.

Our answered questions library cover a broad range of sexual health topics and common questions we hear at our clinics.

Clinics and Services (41)

I’m inquiring about birth control, I’m 16. I’m in a long distance relationship and have been for over a year, we’re both very happy together. We visit each other every few months, and as you could guess we do have sex when the time comes and always use protection. We’re both paranoid because we’re so far away from each other. So for next time we will be spending a few weeks together and I wanted to inquire about having extra protection. The issue is my mom doesn’t feel great about me taking it and I get nervous to talk to her. I’ve tried before but she always tells me about why I shouldn’t take it. Do I need parent permission to take birth control and if not would it cost me a lot? And what would be the best option for me? Thank you.

Hi there, thank you for your question

It’s great that you’re thinking about birth control as an added layer of protection for when you are together with your boyfriend. Even if you do decide to move ahead with some form of hormonal birth control, I encourage you to consider continuing to use condoms as an extra measure against sexually transmitted infections.

You do not need permission from your parents to access birth control in British Columbia. There are several different methods of birth control out there. Have a look at Options for Sexual Health as they have great fact pages on each different type.

One of the most accessible and most common types is the birth control pill. Typically it is easily accessible, safe, discreet, effective and affordable.

If you live in the Lower Mainland, you can access free or low-cost birth control options up to the age of 19. The nurses and doctors at the Youth Clinics will offer pre-counselling to go over all the options and help you decide which will be best for you. Here are the links to the Vancouver Youth Clinics, to the Fraser Youth Clinics and to the Vancouver Island Youth Clinics

If there is no Youth Clinic in your area, then Options for Sexual Health will be your best bet for accessing low-cost birth control.

Let us know if this does not answer your question or if you have any more questions or concerns.
Health Nurse

I am seeking a gay or bi friendly Doctor who is taking new patients in the DT area. I recently moved to Vancouver.

 Most physicians within the lower mainland are well versed with the health needs of people who identify as GLBT2S. Below I have provided links to clinics that we would recommend patients who seek queer competent healthcare providers




Does this answer your question? Please let us know. 


Do you check for head lice at your clinic?


Our clinic is focused on Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) so we don’t recommend that people come to our clinic just for a head lice check, but if someone is at our clinic for something that is STI related and concerned that they may have head lice we will check that for the client.

If someone was concerned that they may have pubic lice our clinic would be a good place to come for a check.

Let us know if this did not answer your question or if you have any more concerns or questions.

Health Nurse

what is the cost for out of province testing or will my Alberta health care number work.

Hi, and thanks for your question
It will depend on which clinic you go to for testing. If you visit a walk-in-clinic they will be less likely to bill Alberta Health for your visit and you will be more likely to have to pay out of pocket for the visit. Each clinic will have a set of fees associated, including doctor’s fees. You may also have to pay out of pocket to have any lab testing done.

If you’re looking specifically for STI testing, I would recommend looking for a clinic or service which does not require BC Medical Services Plan (MSP) coverage. If you are located in the Vancouver area, the provincial STI clinic located at 655 W. 12th Ave and the Bute St. Clinic located at 1170 Bute St are both free clinics and no MSP is required.
For a listing of other clinics and services in your area, have a look at our Clinic Finder

Let us know if this does not answer your question or if you have any more questions or concerns.
Health Nurse

Are you guys open everyday?

Hi, thanks for writing in

I’m not sure exactly to what you’re referring. Our online services are staffed Monday to Friday from 8:30-4:30 with submitted questions being answered during those hours and online nurse chat available typically 2 days a week for 2-3 hours. Keep an eye on the website for updates in chat availability

If you’re referring to our clinic services, the BC Centre for Disease Control STI clinic is open Monday to Saturday. Click here for a complete listing of clinic hours and location information.
If you’re not in the Vancouver area and are looking for testing services, have a look at our Clinic Finder to locate a clinic near you.

Let us know if this does not answer your question or if you have any more questions or concerns.
Health Nurse

Im 24 years old and still a virgin, and i have been experiencing mid cycle spotting for the past 8-9 years and i think its time for me to get a pap test. However, i am very scared to get a test done because I’ve never been sexually active before or had any sort of penetration so i think my hymen is still in tact. I guess my question is would a gyno still be able to do the test on me and what can i expect? Im just looking for some guidance and words of encouragement because i am very scared but i want to take care of my health.

Hi, and thanks for writing in with your question

It’s really normal to feel scared when thinking that something might be wrong or when facing something unknown, like a first physical exam. The most important thing will be to have a doctor that you can trust and to have a discussion about what symptoms you have been experiencing. That way, together you and the doctor can decide what the best tests and follow up will be for your situation.

If the doctor recommends pap testing, they will need to do a pelvic exam. A pelvic exam is the process by which a healthcare provider looks inside the vagina at the cervix using a speculum. The pap test is just one part of the exam where the doctor or nurse gently collects some cells from the cervix to be looked at under a microscope for any atypical or abnormal characteristics

Your healthcare provider will still be able to perform a pelvic exam even though you have never had intercourse. This exam doesn’t change anything, and just like using tampons doesn’t change or affect your hymen, neither will a pelvic exam.

Scarleteen is a really great sex ed website and they have an awesome article entitled Your First Gynecologist Visit that I would encourage you to check out.

Let us know if this does not answer your question or if you have any more questions or concerns.
Health Nurse

Do I need to make an appointment to do a STI test?

Hi, and thanks for your question.

It depends on where you’re testing. Some clinics require appointments and others offer drop-in access.
Have a look at our Clinic Finder for a list of clinics in your area.

Our Get Checked Online service might also be a good option for you if you live close to one of the participating LifeLabs

Let us know if this does not answer your question or if you have any more questions or concerns.
Health Nurse

Are IUDs covered by pwd

Hi, and thanks for your question.

From what we can see, IUDs are not covered under the Persons With Disabilities assistance or benefits. However, there are times when a case can be made to apply for special authority for drug coverage for medical necessity.

Here are a couple of services that may also be of assistance in answering your question:

Disability Alliance BC
BC Women’s Hospital Access Clinic

Let us know if this does not answer your question or if you have any more questions or concerns.
Health Nurse

How long does it take for a std test

Hi thanks for your question. Usually an STD test can take about 20 minutes to half an hour depending on the person, their concerns and the tests being done. To find out more about STI testing please see https://smartsexresource.com/get-tested/tests-and-exams and to find a clinic near you please see https://smartsexresource.com/get-tested/clinic-finder  Let us know if this does not answer your question or if you have any more questions or concerns. Health Nurse