It’s great that you’re thinking about birth control as an added layer of protection for when you are together with your boyfriend. Even if you do decide to move ahead with some form of hormonal birth control, I encourage you to consider continuing to use condoms as an extra measure against sexually transmitted infections.
You do not need permission from your parents to access birth control in British Columbia. There are several different methods of birth control out there. Have a look at Options for Sexual Health as they have great fact pages on each different type.
One of the most accessible and most common types is the birth control pill. Typically it is easily accessible, safe, discreet, effective and affordable.
If you live in the Lower Mainland, you can access free or low-cost birth control options up to the age of 19. The nurses and doctors at the Youth Clinics will offer pre-counselling to go over all the options and help you decide which will be best for you. Here are the links to the Vancouver Youth Clinics, to the Fraser Youth Clinics and to the Vancouver Island Youth Clinics.
If there is no Youth Clinic in your area, then Options for Sexual Health will be your best bet for accessing low-cost birth control.
Let us know if this does not answer your question or if you have any more questions or concerns. Health Nurse
Yes, the local Options for Sexual Health Clinic in Kitimat can absolutely see you for a PAP screen and pelvic exam. I’ve linked the contact information page for the Kitimat Clinic here. I don’t have any specific information about connecting with a family doctor or fertility specialist in your area, however the nurses and physicians at the Opt clinic should definitely be able to help you get started and may be able to refer you to a local GP for follow up
Let us know if this does not answer your question or if you have any more questions or concerns. Health Nurse
No, we really wouldn’t see someone getting pregnant this way. Pregnacy happens when there is direct contact of the genitals like penetrative intercourse of penis in vagina, or direct contact with ejaculate (semen) and the vulva or vaginal opening.
Even if there is contact between genitals but one partner is wearing clothing, pregnancy is not a risk.
We really like the Scarleteen website as they’ve got some great answers to scenarios like the one you’ve presented. Have a look at their site in general, and specifically on their Pregnancy Panic page.
Let us know if this does not answer your question or if you have any more questions or concerns. Health Nurse
Based on what you have described, if your boyfriend had a condom on and he did not ejaculate inside your vagina, the chances of getting pregnant from that encounter are unlikely.
The only way to determine whether or not you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test. Most home (or clinic) pregnancy tests will be accurate after you have missed your period. To learn more about pregnancy testing, click here.
Besides being pregnant, several things can cause you to miss your period. Some of these include:
Birth control may cause a changes in periods including, not having one
Certain medications can cause changes to your periods
Some illnesses can change or delay your period
Malnutrition and low body weight can cause problems with your periods
Excessive exercise can disrupt your hormones and cause your period to stop
If you have concerns about your changes in your period, see your health care provider.
Besides using condoms consistently, there are several ways you can prevent pregnancy. To learn more, see our ‘Birth Control’ page.
Depo Provera is a form of injectable birth control where people are seen every 10 to 13 weeks for a repeat injection.
You have stated that your Depo expires on July 3rd, I am unsure how many weeks this is from your last injection as many clinics will book your appointment at 10 weeks so that you have a few weeks of extra time in case anything comes up. You have 13 weeks of protection from when you get your injection.
If you have had penis-vaginal sex with no birth control (has been after 13 weeks), it’s possible to get Emergency Contraception to reduce the chance of getting pregnant. Have a look at Options for Sexual Health information page for additional information.
Let us know if this does not answer your question or if you have any further questions or concerns.
From what we can see, IUDs are not covered under the Persons With Disabilities assistance or benefits. However, there are times when a case can be made to apply for special authority for drug coverage for medical necessity.
Here are a couple of services that may also be of assistance in answering your question:
Condoms are very effective at preventing pregnancy, whether you are ovulating or not.
It’s important to make sure you are using condoms correctly, and to prevent the condom from breaking. See below for more information.
If you do have a condom break, there are options for emergency contraception (such as Plan B aka “the morning after pill,” or emergency IUD insertion which can stop a pregnancy up to 7 days after sex).
To use a condom properly: the condom must be put on before any penetration happens. For example: sometimes people engage in a bit of penetrative sex, and then put the condom on before they ejaculate (cum). That penetration can expose their partner to pre-cum, which is a pregnancy risk.
To prevent condoms from breaking: use a water-based lubricant on the outside of the condom (and/or on your partners’ genitals). Oils and oil-based lube can break the condom. The most common reason that condoms break is from to friction. Lube reduces the friction (and also increases sensation!). Lots of people feel like they should be “wet enough” without lube, but an individual’s wetness can change from day to day depending on their hydration, medications, stress etc. We recommend lube for all people as it’s safer, and usually feels better!
For more information on using condoms correctly check out our Condoms topic.
Please feel free to leave a comment below or submit another question as needed.
Sperm can be present in pre-cum, and there is a chance of pregnancy if the sperm get inside the vagina. Your situation is lower risk for pregnancy than if there was vaginal intercourse, but there’s still a small risk.
Taking Plan B was a good idea. Plan B reduces the chance of pregnancy by 50%. Bleeding after Plan B is normal– she may see blood in her underwear or urine.
Overall, the chance that she is pregnant is low. However, if she does not get her next period you should get a pregnancy test.
Please let us know if you have any further questions.
The abortion pill is free in BC if you have MSP (BC CareCard). You and your girlfriend would need to contact an abortion clinic near you, and then you can ask to book an appointment for an abortion/ say you need to end your pregnancy. She does not need to get her parents permission for this, and her parents will not be contacted by the abortion clinic. Her visit to the clinic would be completed confidential, and not shared with family.
Abortions are safe. The side effects usually include bleeding and cramps.
There are 8 abortion clinics in BC (4 in Vancouver, 1 in Victoria, 1 in Kelowna, and 2 in the Kootenays). Check out this page: “Where Can I get an Abortion in BC?” for a list of these clinics and their contact information.
If you live in area that does not have a designated abortion clinic you can arrange to have an abortion at a hospital. This usually requires a referral to an abortion doctor (from your regular doctor). If you don’t have a regular doctor you can call the Pregnancy Options Line (1-800-875-3163) to obtain a referral. That number is also a great resource if you need more information about this process and they can help you set-up the hospital abortion.
It’s difficult to say what the exact process will be for you, as it can be different at different clinics. Generally, you will need to make an appointment to get the pills, then she can take the pills at home and be comfortable, then she will start to bleed (like a heavy period), and she might bleed for a couple weeks. Afterwards she will need a check-up to make sure it worked.