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Resource Database

Search downloadable guides and handouts on a variety of sexual health topics. Available in multiple languages.

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Accessing PrEP Toolkit (CBRC)

This toolkit developed by the Community-Based Research Centre was made by and for queer guys to give us the tools to effectively self-advocate for PrEP and our own sexual health. Here you will find information about PrEP and resources to help guide a conversation between you and a doctor. Navigating the healthcare system can be...

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Herpes: A Patient’s Guide

This 25-page colour booklet talks about herpes symptoms, transmission, testing and treatment. It also offers information and support for people getting a new diagnosis of herpes and discusses dating when you have herpes. Also included are online and phone-based herpes supports as well as counselling resources in British Columbia. Produced by Clinical Prevention Services at...

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HPV: A Patient’s Guide

This 11-page colour booklet summarizes information on the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), including types of HPV, prevention, screening and treatment.  This guide also contains FAQs that are commonly asked by patients in our clinics and a list of resources for more information about HPV.

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